
Parallel Edit Locker for Magento 2

Parallel Edit Locker for Magento 2
Magento 1Magento 2
Magento Edition
Pro installation
  • 31
  • 37

The extension prevents concurrent editing of products, categories, CMS pages, orders, and other resources by multiple admin users. If administration of your shop's backend entails work of several managers/agents, sooner or later one overwriting important changes made by another will become a real problem. The default Magento not only doesn't try to prevent this, it doesn't even hint at it. Parallel edits of all but one user will be lost forever! Use this extension to make the collective work of your backend team efficient and drama-free.


The job of the module consists in determining the backend resource being edited in real-time and disabling the 'Save' button for given resources viewed by other admin users. These users can also see a message (notice) about who locked the resource.
To view the extension's various setup options, go to the configuration page:
• Stores > Configuration > SAFEMAGE: Parallel Edit Locker

1) Resources available for monitoring are represented by the following options:
• Sales (orders, invoices, shipments, credit memos)
• Catalog (products, categories)
• Customers
• Marketing (catalog and cart price rules, emails)
• Content (pages, blocks, widgets)
• Reports
• All others (pages with ID in URL)*

* The option gives the ability to prevent simultaneous editing of all other resources, even including entities of 3rd-party modules.

2) Unlock Resource when Switching to Another Page. Normally we do not recommend to enable the setting because admin user may experience unexpected behavior when working in the backend in multiple browser tabs. You may enable it only when the following setting is off.

3) Ping Magento from within Open Pages. The setting is used to actualize the time of the latest visit of editable resource and to provide best possible experience for an admin user while working in multiple browser tabs.

4) Unlock Resource by Timeout. This makes resources, not visited (or pinged) within the specified time, get unlocked automatically.

5) Enable Manual Unlock by Link. This provides the quickest way for a given admin user to unlock any resource occupied by another admin, at his own responsibility


  • Prevents simultaneous editing and saving of all backend entities by admin users
  • Displays a 'locked by' message and allows for manual unlock
  • Adds Ajax-based ping of Magento from within open and editable pages to actualize lock time and freely work in multiple browser tabs
  • Configurable settings for ping timing and unlocking resources by timeout



Magento Open Source (CE) 2.2.x, 2.3.x, 2.4.x
Magento Commerce (EE) 2.2.x, 2.3.x, 2.4.x


We provide comprehensive product support for all the Magento extensions available on this site starting from the moment of your purchasing them. If you need help on the extensions installation or on any issues relating to our products, our dedicated team of proven technical experts is at your service, ready to assist you at any time.


new feature bugfix
v.2.1.2 (Jul 22, 2023)
Minor refactoring.
v.2.1.1 (May 28, 2022)
Minor refactoring.
v.2.1.0 (May 23, 2022)
Added support for Magento 2.4.4 and PHP 8.1.
v.2.0.5 (Sep 3, 2021)
Minor code refactoring.
v.2.0.4 (Aug 21, 2020)
Added support for Magento 2.4.0.
v.2.0.3 (Dec 20, 2019)
Added support for Magento 2.3.3.
v.2.0.2 (Jan 18, 2019)
Added support for Magento 2.3.
v.2.0.1 (Apr 13, 2018)
Added support for Magento 2.1.
v.2.0.0 (Mar 16, 2018)
Initial release.


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